Kuiiii tore oli eelmine laupäev! Üle pika aja oli taas päikeseline ja soe ning otsustasime lõpuks külastada loomaaeda, kuhu olime tahtnud jõuda märtsist alates! Nägime nii palju ägedaid loomi ja kalasid, keda varasemalt vaid telekas kohanud. :D Mu lemmikud olid orangutanid, kes kiusasid oma ema hehe! Seal oli ka ala, kus leemurid jooksid vabalt ringi ja nad on ikka nii lahedad loomad! Jagasin ka instagramis uudist, et tulin töölt ära (kirjutan sellest pikemalt, kuna see on pikk jutt) ning tänu sellele on mul hetkel laupäevad vabad olnud, mis tähendab et saan peikaga aega veeta! Täna rentisime samuti auto ning oleme teel Philip saarele! Suurlinnas elamine on tore, aga ma igatsen ookeani ja loodust!
How awesome was last saturday! Finally we made it to Melbourne Zoo! We've been planning to go there since we moved here... We saw so many cool animals and my favourite were little orangutans who were annoying their mother haha! They also had an area called "lemurs island", where lemurs ran around freely and you could see them up close. They truly are one of a kind animals! It's such a great feeling to have Saturdays off and spend time with my boyfriend. As some of you know, I quit my job at the restaurant. Main reason was my own happiness, but I will tell you more about it in next post! Today is gonna be another great Saturday because we rented a car and are right now on our way to Philip Island! I really love living in a city but I miss the ocean and I need to be in nature time to time!
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