Damn kui hea kontserdielamuse sai reedel! Juba paari päeva pärast saab jälle John Newmani live's kuulata, seega ootan huviga! Laupäeval ärgates tuli aga spontaanne otsus sõbrannale külla minna ja vaadata ta uus kodu Pärnus üle. Käisime väljas puusi nõksutamas ja jutustasime maad ja ilmad kokku. Pärnus olev vibe oli nii mõnusalt suvine ja kes mind snapcahtis jälgib, siis teab et seal linnas on tugevad puusanõksutajad hoopis mehed. Nii palju nalja sai lihtsalt! :D
Ma lihtsalt nii naudin oma vabadust hetkel, et saan igalepoole minna ja ei pea muretsema töö pärast!
Damn how good John Newman was on Friday! His live was soo awesome! I'm really looking forward to see him again already in few days at Positivus music festival! On Saturday I decided to go to Pärnu and visit my friend there. It was so nice to catch up with her and ofcourse we went out dancing too. If you follow me on Snapchat then you have already seen how men in Pärnu are dancing! It was just hilarious! :D We had so much fun and I can't wait to visit her again and hopefully weather will be sunny too so we could chill at the beach. I am really enjoying my freedom right now to go anywhere I want!
Damn how good John Newman was on Friday! His live was soo awesome! I'm really looking forward to see him again already in few days at Positivus music festival! On Saturday I decided to go to Pärnu and visit my friend there. It was so nice to catch up with her and ofcourse we went out dancing too. If you follow me on Snapchat then you have already seen how men in Pärnu are dancing! It was just hilarious! :D We had so much fun and I can't wait to visit her again and hopefully weather will be sunny too so we could chill at the beach. I am really enjoying my freedom right now to go anywhere I want!
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