Kui me panime roadtrippi kokku, siis googeldades leidsin need 2 kohta ning kiirelt lisandusid meie plaanidesse. Tõepoolest, see järv on üks sinisemaid järvesid mis ma näinud olen! Detsembrist kuni märtsini on see erksinine ning ülejäänud aja hall. Ujuda seal ei saa ning isegi matkarada tehes sa veele väga lähedale ei saa minna, sest see varustab linna veega. Käisime vaatasime üle ka The Little Blue Lake, kus saab ujuda ning samamoodi nii ilus erksinine vesi!
Teine sihtkoht oli Umpherston, mis on vulkaanist tekkinud ning sinna sisse on aed ehitatud. Seal seistes oli lihtsalt nii äge tunne, nagu oleks staadion pea kohal, mis on pooleldi kinni. Ma olen suhteliselt üllatunud, et see pole väga kuulsaks saanud. Võib-olla seepärast, et see pole n-ö seljakotirändurite tüüpilise marsruudi peal. Ma reaalselt võtsin sinist värvi Lightroomis maha kuna see tundus lihtsalt nii võlts! :D
Väga äge oli uusi kohti avastada ning ma ausalt tahaksin tagasi Lõuna-Austraaliasse minna. Ainuke jama on see, et mu peika suutis kiirust ületada ning kahjuks 450$ trahv ei olnud piisav nende jaoks. Nädala pärast on ta load Victorias kehtetud 3ks kuuks. :D See juhtus juba paar nädalat tagasi kui ta mulle tööle järgi tuli... Okei ma veits tundsin end halvasti aga no mis teha kui tal jalg raske haha! Nüüd me ainuke võimalus on autot rentida, sest mina saan sõita. ;)
When we were putting the roadtrip together I found these 2 locations (thanks google!) and we quickly added them to our plan! This lake really was the bluest lake I have ever seen!!! But you can't swim there because it is a water supply for the town. Damn it was so inviting! We also checked out The Little Blue Lake, which is also cobalt blue and you can swim there. The water is blue from December til March and after that is grey. So best time to visit is during these months.
In Mount Gambier there is another tourist spot which is Umpherston Sinkhole and we were so amazed by it! Really really epic place! I am surprised that it's not in every backpacker must-see list. Probably because it's a bit out from the typical route.
It was so nice to explore new places and to be honest, I really wanna go back to South Australia. I don't know if I have time tho... Exploring got now a bit more complicated too. My boyfriend managed to speed a bit too much couple of weeks ago and 450$ fine wasn't enough for the police. His licence got also suspended for 3 months from 14th of Jan. . :/ Well I felt a bit bad because he came to pick me up from work but hey, what can I do when his foot is a bit heavy! :D Anyways, now our only option is to rent a car because I can drive. ;)
Nice place and pics. ozark trail tents
VastaKustutagood work keep going.
VastaKustutagood work what a fantastic it like chery arrizo