Kõigepealt tahaksin soovida kõigile ilusat uue aasta algust ja loodan et pühad möödusid meeleolukalt ning et uus aasta tooks palju kordaminekuid ning ägedaid seiklusi!
Sel aastal oli mu jõulutunne suhteliselt nullilähedane, kui aus olla. Otsustasime peikaga, et võtame lihtsalt aega maha ning ei tee midagi erilist aga plaanid muutusid nädal enne pühi kui ta perekonnatuttav kellega elame, ütles et me võime ta autot kasutada! Mõeldud tehtud ja spontaanselt otsustasime teha roadtripi kuskile, kus on soe ja imelised rannad! Kuna me polnud kunagi Lõuna-Austraaliat avastanud siis oli viimane aeg seda teha! See oli vist üks parimaid otsuseid mis me tegime!!
Kui keegi ei tea, siis Austraalias tähistatakse jõule 25-ndal. Minu töökoht oli suletud 23-26 detsember ja pidin tööle tagasi minema alles 28-ndal siis otsustasimegi ette võtta vähe suurema tripi. (Esimesel pildil näete meie marsruuti ja mõistate kui VÄIKE osa see Austraaliast vaid on!) Põhieesmärk oli jõuda Inneston rahvusparki, mis asub Yorke Peninsulas. Ainult 1200km kaugusel. :D Austraalia oma vahemaadega haha! Aga kuna ma ei tahtnud jõululaupäeva autos veeta ning Luke samuti mitte, siis otsustasime teha esimese öö Port Fairys, mis on 3,5h kaugusel Melbournest ning ookeani äärne koht. Nagu meile kohane, saime liikuma ainult 3 tundi hiljem oma algsest plaanist, kaks uimikut koos haha! Veetsime natuke aega rannas, ma suutsin oma telefoni ookeani kukutada ning siis paanikas sukelduda. :D Õnneks on see veekindel ning töötas ilusti edasi. Ei tasu olla äge ja teha veealuseid videoid! Keegi oleks pidanud lihtsalt filmima seda nägu kui tulin veepinnale karjudes hahaha!
Esimene kämpimiskoht oli megamõnus, ookean vaid 5 minuti kaugusel ning tegime süüa, mina oma vegesalatit (mida sõin iga jumala päev) ning peiks oma burgereid grillil. (Kes ei tea siis ma ei söö liha ning kana jätsin samuti septembrist oma menüüst välja ning nüüdseks vist olen loobunud ka kalast. ) Videochattisin perega, vaatasime telgis "Love Actually" filmi, millest ma olin nii vaimustuses ja ma ei saa aru kuidas ma kunagi varem seda vaadanud ei ole??!! Peale paari tundi und ärkasin uuesti üles koos päikesetõusuga, et videochattida perega. See 9 tundi ajavahet käib vahel ikka pinda. Peikal on Inglismaaga 11tundi, niiet ei vingu. :D
Järgmisel hommikul pakkisime oma kola kokku ning võtsime suuna Mount Gambieri poole, mis asub Victoria piirist natuke vaid edasi ehk meie esimene koht Lõuna-Austraalias! Sellest kohast tuleb eraldi postitus, sest wowwww kui lahe koht see oli! Vaatasime üle seal olevad kuulsad kohad ehk mida googeldades leidsin ehk Sinine Järv (uskumatu kui erksinine see järv oli...) ning Umpherston sinkhole, mis on nagu suur auk, mis tekkis vulkaanist ning sinna on tehtud imeilus aed. Ehk see koht üllatas meid ikka väga!!! Võtsime suuna ülespoole, umbes 4 tundi sõitu, vahepeal otsisime meeleheitlikult poode/restorane mis oleks lahti, aga kuna jõuludel on kõik kinni, kaasa arvatud 90% tanklatest siis vähemalt Mcdonalds oli lahti! Head uudised peikale, mitte mulle. Õnneks saime ühest tanklast mingit nänni osta ja saime õppetunni, et tasub ikka natuke eeltööd teha ja ette mõelda. :P Lõpuks jõudsime oma teise kämpimiskohta, olime umbes kaks tundi Adelaidest, tegime õhtusööki, sama diil nagu ikka, ning peika tegi perega videochatti, sest nemad tähistavad 25ndal jõule.
Kolmandal päeval võtsime suuna jälle ookeani poole, tegime peatuse pisikeses linnas nimega Hahndorf, mis on tuntud kui Austraalia kõige vanem Saksa asula. Tõesti oli tunne nagu oleks tagasi Saksamaal! Paljud kohad olid suletud pühade pärast, seega kaua seal ei peatunud ja võtsime suuna läbi veiniistanduste Adelaide poole, mis on üks Austraalai suurlinnadest. Mõtlesime, et kui juba seal oleme, siis vaatame ikka üle. Aga kuna väljas oli 40 kraadi ja me olime juba linnas ja hakkasime parkimist otsima, siis mõlemad lihtsalt vaatasime teineteisele otsa ja saime aru, et linn nagu linn ikka ja mõlemad tahtsime juba ookeani ääres olla! :D Ehk siis sõitsime läbi kesklinna ja suurlinn nagu ikka haha! See oli hea otsus, sest kui jõudsime lõpuks Yorke Peninsulasse ning ookeani äärde siis meil mõlemad vajusid suu ammuli ja tundsime nagu oleks tagasi meie lemmikkohas, milleks on Rottnest saar Lääne-Austraalias oma kristallselge vee ning valge liivaga! Pildid räägivad enda eest! Veetsime 2 tundi esimeses rannas, mis oli lihtsalt kilomeetrite pikkune valge rand ja kuhu sai autoga sõita. Mu peika suutis saada väga hullu päikesepõletuse (näeb insta storydest), mis sest et me kasutame SPF50+ kaitsekreemi, aga noh, peale esimest vees käiku ta ei pannud uuesti seda peale ja siis proovis mind süüdistada, et mina ei pannud talle kreemi peale. :D Ei lähe läbi haha! Austraalias olev UV kiirgus on üks hullemaid maailmas ning siin kreemi mitte kasutamine on lihtsalt enda vananemisele ja kortsudele kaasa aitamine. Mis seal ikka, järgnevad päevad istus päikesevarju all ja riided seljas! :D
Niiviisi me oma aega veetsimegi, vaikselt allapoole liikudes ja erinevate randadega tutvudes, avastasime Inneston rahvusparki ning seal olevad rannad ja vaated olid lihtsalt imelised!!! Väga mõnusad 2 päeva olid ning 100% väärt seda pikka sõitu! Kokku olime teel 5 päeva, tagasi sõitsime ühe otsaga, ehk umbes 1000km.... Põikasime ka läbi Balaklavast, kus Kristina (eestlane kellega sain tuttavaks Melbsis) tegi oma farmipäevasid ja käisime koos lõunal. Nii äge oli teda jälle näha! Kojusõit oli pikk ja väsitav, eriti viimased 200km ning ma unustasin mainida, et terve aeg pidi mu peika sõitma, sest autol mida kasutasime oli kindlustus, kus vaid kindlustatud isikud tohivad sõita ning nad ei aksepteerinud mu Eesti lubasid, mis sest et mul on ka rahvusvahelised kehtivad load. See sakkis ikka sajaga! Aga kuna peika sõitis, siis mina otsisin tee peal olles kõik kämpimiskohad ja kõik vaatamisväärsused hehe! Teamwork!
Kokkuvõtlikult võin öelda, et see pühade roadtrip jääb eluks ajaks meelde ning ei ole hullu kui ei saa perega laua taga istuda ja aknast lumiseid vaateid. See on reisimise/välismaal elamise üks osadest ning tulevikus küllaga aega, et veeta Eestis jõule! ;) Loodan, et Teile meeldis selline teistsugune telefoni ja kaamera tehtud piltide segu ning natuke juttu juurde! Päikest Teile siitpoolt maakera!
This year I didn't have any festive feeling whatsoever and to be fair, I didn't care this time. It's just another Christmas without any festive feeling for me. Luckily my boyfriend's family friend who we live with, offered us her car for a few days so we could do something! So that led us to a spontaneous roadtrip to South Australia because we had yet to explore this state. It turned out to be the best decision ever because I will remember this Christmas forever! I think when you spend every Christmas at the same place, doing the same things, eventually they all blur together but I can truly remember the last 4 years Christmas because I did something different.
If you didn't know then in Australia they celebrate Christmas Day on 25th, just like in England. In Estonia we celebrate it on 24th. We started our roadtrip on 24th and because we didn't want to spend the whole day in the car, we decided to spend our first night in Port Fairy which was along the Great Ocean Road and only 3,5h from Melbourne. We enjoyed some beach time, I managed to drop my phone in the ocean. Note to myself: don't try to be cool and take underwater videos haha! My boyfriend said my face was just priceless when I came to the surface and screamed that I LOST MY PHONE! Thank god for the clear water! Little bit of diving and I found it! PS! My phone is water resistant so it was all good and working perfectly! Video was crap tho haha! Our first camping site was just by the ocean, really nice one! So we cooked some dinner, I had my vegetarian salad and some vegan nuggets and he cooked his burgers. And this was our meal for every night haha! It was simple to make + I didn't need any pots/pans/boiling aka cooking! :D I did a video chat with my family and after we watched "Love Actually" in the tent and how the hell have I never watched it before!?! It was such a funny movie and created some Christmas vibes! Finally haha! I woke up 5.30am to catch the sunrise (which was amazing!) and did another video chat with my family. All because of the time difference, 9 bloody hours! Not complaining, England has 11 hours! :D
Next morning we started our drive up north towards Adelaide and made a stop in Mount Gambier. I had googled before and found out they have some epic places there which is a must see and google was right! We visited The Blue Lake which was just so bright blue that we both were surprised. Really really cool place! We also ticked off The Little Blue Lake which was also awesome! Next we checked out the Umpherston Sinkhole, which was created by volcano and they have created a garden there. Another amazing place! Just wow! I will do a separate post about it! We started our 4h drive to Murray Bridge, where we found a camping site by the river and which had available spots. But because it was Christmas Day, everything was closed! Luckily we found 2 petrol stations which were open, so Luke was able to get some milk and I got some sweets hehe! Lunch was served at Mcdonald's (which I dislike) because it was the only "restaurant" opened. Good news for Luke, bad news for me. :D We continued our drive towards the camping site and the heat was just soooo crazy! Thank god for the AC in the car! We had some food and did a videochat with our families! Different Christmas for sure!
Next day we started our drive towards Yorke Peninsula which was our goal from the beginning. On our way we did a quick visit to Hahndorf, which is the oldest surviving German settlement/town and I really felt that I was back in Germany. Really cute small town but because of Boxing Day, half of the town was closed. We also decided to make a quick visit to Adelaide and check out this city, whilst we were there but once we were driving through the city and it was almost 40 degrees outside, we understood it's just another city and nothing special. So we ended up just driving through the city and I honestly don't think I missed anything haha! City like every other city in Australia. We wanted to enjoy some beaches and thank god we didn't waste our time in the city. Once we arrived to north of Yorke Peninsula, our jaws just dropped! We both felt like being back at our favourite place - Rottnest Island- which is in West Australia and famous because of the crystal clear blue water and white sand! And we got the same sight here in Yorke Peninsula! I think the photos will speak for themselves!!
Next 2 days we spent exploring and discovering some amazing beaches and views! My boyfriend managed to get the worst sunburn I've ever seen at out first beach where we spent only 2 hours! :D And yes he used SPF50+ but he never applied it again and tried to blame it on me that I didn't apply it on him so he got his lesson haha! Australian sun is deadly and with the highest UV risk in the world, so you better use that sunscreen! ;)
These days were so worth it for that long drive and I really enjoyed being on the road and actually "travel" again! We decided to drive back in one go and it was a long drive, approx 1000km and I forgot to mention that my boyfriend had to drive the whole time!! The car insurance allows only insured people to drive and they didn't accept my Estonian licence, even tho I have a special international licence. That sucked because it was a lot of driving for him, but because of that, I did all the camping site search/calls and checked out which places to visit etc. So it was teamwork! We planned everything spontaneously and on the go and it was perfect because we never knew how much we would drive and where we wanted to stay longer.
Thanks to this roadtrip I will always remember Christmas 2018 and it was such a good opportunity for us to prepare for our New Zealand roadtrip! :P It was already my 4th holiday being away from family but I know that next year I will be in Europe and that is just the part of travelling/living abroad! You have to adapt and accept and it's not worth it to think too much because it will ruin the experience. ;) I hope you enjoyed a different type of post with a mix of phone and camera photos and check out my instagram story for some videos!
Lots of love. xx
Happy New Year to all my english readers and I hope you all had an amazing festive season and 2019 will bring you a lot of happiness and adventures!
This year I didn't have any festive feeling whatsoever and to be fair, I didn't care this time. It's just another Christmas without any festive feeling for me. Luckily my boyfriend's family friend who we live with, offered us her car for a few days so we could do something! So that led us to a spontaneous roadtrip to South Australia because we had yet to explore this state. It turned out to be the best decision ever because I will remember this Christmas forever! I think when you spend every Christmas at the same place, doing the same things, eventually they all blur together but I can truly remember the last 4 years Christmas because I did something different.
If you didn't know then in Australia they celebrate Christmas Day on 25th, just like in England. In Estonia we celebrate it on 24th. We started our roadtrip on 24th and because we didn't want to spend the whole day in the car, we decided to spend our first night in Port Fairy which was along the Great Ocean Road and only 3,5h from Melbourne. We enjoyed some beach time, I managed to drop my phone in the ocean. Note to myself: don't try to be cool and take underwater videos haha! My boyfriend said my face was just priceless when I came to the surface and screamed that I LOST MY PHONE! Thank god for the clear water! Little bit of diving and I found it! PS! My phone is water resistant so it was all good and working perfectly! Video was crap tho haha! Our first camping site was just by the ocean, really nice one! So we cooked some dinner, I had my vegetarian salad and some vegan nuggets and he cooked his burgers. And this was our meal for every night haha! It was simple to make + I didn't need any pots/pans/boiling aka cooking! :D I did a video chat with my family and after we watched "Love Actually" in the tent and how the hell have I never watched it before!?! It was such a funny movie and created some Christmas vibes! Finally haha! I woke up 5.30am to catch the sunrise (which was amazing!) and did another video chat with my family. All because of the time difference, 9 bloody hours! Not complaining, England has 11 hours! :D
Next morning we started our drive up north towards Adelaide and made a stop in Mount Gambier. I had googled before and found out they have some epic places there which is a must see and google was right! We visited The Blue Lake which was just so bright blue that we both were surprised. Really really cool place! We also ticked off The Little Blue Lake which was also awesome! Next we checked out the Umpherston Sinkhole, which was created by volcano and they have created a garden there. Another amazing place! Just wow! I will do a separate post about it! We started our 4h drive to Murray Bridge, where we found a camping site by the river and which had available spots. But because it was Christmas Day, everything was closed! Luckily we found 2 petrol stations which were open, so Luke was able to get some milk and I got some sweets hehe! Lunch was served at Mcdonald's (which I dislike) because it was the only "restaurant" opened. Good news for Luke, bad news for me. :D We continued our drive towards the camping site and the heat was just soooo crazy! Thank god for the AC in the car! We had some food and did a videochat with our families! Different Christmas for sure!
Next day we started our drive towards Yorke Peninsula which was our goal from the beginning. On our way we did a quick visit to Hahndorf, which is the oldest surviving German settlement/town and I really felt that I was back in Germany. Really cute small town but because of Boxing Day, half of the town was closed. We also decided to make a quick visit to Adelaide and check out this city, whilst we were there but once we were driving through the city and it was almost 40 degrees outside, we understood it's just another city and nothing special. So we ended up just driving through the city and I honestly don't think I missed anything haha! City like every other city in Australia. We wanted to enjoy some beaches and thank god we didn't waste our time in the city. Once we arrived to north of Yorke Peninsula, our jaws just dropped! We both felt like being back at our favourite place - Rottnest Island- which is in West Australia and famous because of the crystal clear blue water and white sand! And we got the same sight here in Yorke Peninsula! I think the photos will speak for themselves!!
Next 2 days we spent exploring and discovering some amazing beaches and views! My boyfriend managed to get the worst sunburn I've ever seen at out first beach where we spent only 2 hours! :D And yes he used SPF50+ but he never applied it again and tried to blame it on me that I didn't apply it on him so he got his lesson haha! Australian sun is deadly and with the highest UV risk in the world, so you better use that sunscreen! ;)
These days were so worth it for that long drive and I really enjoyed being on the road and actually "travel" again! We decided to drive back in one go and it was a long drive, approx 1000km and I forgot to mention that my boyfriend had to drive the whole time!! The car insurance allows only insured people to drive and they didn't accept my Estonian licence, even tho I have a special international licence. That sucked because it was a lot of driving for him, but because of that, I did all the camping site search/calls and checked out which places to visit etc. So it was teamwork! We planned everything spontaneously and on the go and it was perfect because we never knew how much we would drive and where we wanted to stay longer.
Thanks to this roadtrip I will always remember Christmas 2018 and it was such a good opportunity for us to prepare for our New Zealand roadtrip! :P It was already my 4th holiday being away from family but I know that next year I will be in Europe and that is just the part of travelling/living abroad! You have to adapt and accept and it's not worth it to think too much because it will ruin the experience. ;) I hope you enjoyed a different type of post with a mix of phone and camera photos and check out my instagram story for some videos!
Lots of love. xx
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