Eile tegime ka väikse roadtripi Mandurah lähistele (~70km Perthist lõunasse), kus Marilynil oli vaja ratsutada ning kuna meil on load ja temal (mehel) auto siis panime need kaks asja kokku. Haarasime ka koera kaasa ning veetsime mõnusa päeva rannas ja koerade/hobuste keskel. Nüüdseks olen juba ära harjunud vasakpoolse liiklusega. Vahepeal ikka panen harjumusest suunatule vasakult poolt ning ehmatan kui kojamehed tööle lähevad haha! Londonis olles ei sõitnud ma kordagi, aga siin olin n-ö rohkem sunnitud, sest kui tavaliselt sõidab peika, siis seekord olen mina rooli taga. Põhjus lihtne- mina ei unustanud oma rahvusvahelisi juhilube teha. :D Kuigi no vahepeal sõidab ta ka ikka, mulle meeldib see kõrvaliste rohkem. :P Nii lahe oli Perthist rohkem välja saada ja avastada ümbrust. Ma ei jõua ära oodata, et me saaks auto osta ja veel rohkem Austraaliat avastada!
One month already here and the spring is finally here! Or more likely summer, because today it's 32 degrees outside and I really don't know what I'm gonna do when summertime arrives! 40 degrees daily?!:D It was really wrong time today to clean the windows, I was sweating like crazy! But it needed to be done because we are having an open house day today and the rental company wanted everything to be clean. So I let my inner Cinderella out and clean mode was on. :D I will talk more about moving in the next post! I have some good news too- we both have a job and things are going great! After weeks of no feedback in retail industry, I decided to go into some restaurants and handle in my CV. As you can see, it worked! I'm really happy there and the vibe is awesome! It's not that kind of restaurant job where I have to force myself to go to work because staff is awesome and I'm having fun there! My boyfriend got a cool receptionist job thanks to his old work colleague who is living now in Perth. So we both have a job at least and things are looking good! Yesterday we did a little roadtrip down to Mandurah (~70 km from Perth), where Marilyn needed to ride some horses and we joined because she has a car and we have drivers licence. ;) I'm pretty used to left side traffic now, in the beginning it was a bit confusing, especially that the blinker is on the right hand, not left! :D Normally, my boyfriend always drives but here I'm forced more to be behind the wheel-simple reason- I didn't forget to do my international drivers licence! :D Well, he still drives because I get tired of driving so easily but hopefully he'll get his licence soon. Badass I know, breaking the law haha! It was really nice to discover Mandurah surrounding and I can't wait until we can buy a car and explore more!
Annika, pliis muuda oma teksti natukene silmatorkavamaks, ma vist natuke lühinägelik, aga no niiiii keeruline on selle valge tausta pealt seda helehalli peenikest teksti lugeda. Sorry, ma tean, et nõme kommentaar, aga ma iga kord olen hädas :D
VastaKustutaHaha kusjuures ma ise pole kunagi selle peale tulnud :D Aga annan endast parima, et Sa ikka näeksid lugeda :D
Kustutasabung ayam bangkok thailand