Aeg on eriti kiiresti lennanud, sest juba homme saab Aasia seiklus lõpu ning alustame oma katset number 2 Austraaliaga! Kui rääkida viimastest päevadest, siis veetsime need Sihanoukvilles ja mis on kõige parem viis Aasias kohtade avastamiseks? Eks ikka rentida roller! Tuli vaid 15 minutit linnast välja sõita ning valge liivarand ootas. Suurim pluss madalhooajal reisimisel on turistide vähemus, seega saime inimtühja ranna! Miinuseks võib vist seda lugeda, et saad ka päevi äikesetormidega, kus sajab terve päev... Nagu näiteks täna, kuid õnneks see oli meil reisimispäev ja veetsime vihmase päeva bussis. Pildid vist räägivad enda eest, kui ilus seal oli!
Time has flown by so quickly and already tomorrow it's time to end this Asia trip and start a new chapter in Australia! Last days we have spent in Sihanoukville and the best way to explore the area is to rent a scooter! We only drove 15 min out of the city and got to this gorgeous white sanded beach which was totally empty of people. Such a private beach feeling! Travelling in low season means less tourists but it can also give you very rainy days, for example today, when it rained the whole day!!! At night it was also crazy thunderstorm and the power went off many times. But luckily today was travelling day for us so we spent the rainy day in a bus!
Time has flown by so quickly and already tomorrow it's time to end this Asia trip and start a new chapter in Australia! Last days we have spent in Sihanoukville and the best way to explore the area is to rent a scooter! We only drove 15 min out of the city and got to this gorgeous white sanded beach which was totally empty of people. Such a private beach feeling! Travelling in low season means less tourists but it can also give you very rainy days, for example today, when it rained the whole day!!! At night it was also crazy thunderstorm and the power went off many times. But luckily today was travelling day for us so we spent the rainy day in a bus!
Aaaaah, sooo pretty!
VastaKustutathank you! :*
KustutaGreat shots! I like traveling a lot and my next destination is Krong Preah Sihanouk. It's always pleasant to see some good photos from the place you're going to visit. Starting a career in translation it's also important to get some information about the field you're working. The more information you have, the more opportunities you'll get.