Eesti suvi on lihtsalt parim!!! Ükskõik, kus ma reisinud olen, suvel Eestis on lihtsalt mega! Isegi kui kõik vaid halvast ilmast räägivad, siis minu jaoks on kõige olulisem see, et inimesed on minuarust kui uue energiaga ja see kogu vibe on nii inspireeriv! Ma tunnen, et pakatan energiast ja eks see tagasi trenniminek andis ka korraliku energiaboosti. Myfitness, ma igatsesin Sind! :D
Natuke harjumatu on siiani minu jaoks, et mul ei ole mingeid kohustusi ja et mul on aega, aga uskuge mind, ma ei kurda mitte üldse! Mul on palju plaane, mis hõlmavadki igasuguseid erinevaid üritusi, sõpradega chillimist ja mis kõige olulisem, elust rõõmu tundmist! Mitte et ma seda muul ajal ei teeks! :D Üleeile käisimegi õega Männiku wakepargis ja seekord wake jätsin vahele, sest kui viimati kaks aastat tagasi proovisin siis kündsin näoga rohkem seda vett! :D Aga SUP-i tegime küll ja megachill oli. Aga nüüd ongi aeg end sättida vanale heale Õllesummerile ning kuulata John Newmani. Järgmisel nädalavahetusel Positivusel on ta kava siis teada! :D
Estonian summer is the best!!! It doesn't matter where I've travelled, nothing beats the summer here! Even tho the weather is quite bad and everybody are only talking about it, I see only positive vibes. I feel like people are alive and the vibe is just amazing! I have so much energy and I am so happy to spend these weeks here with my friends and family! I guess I got my energyboost today from training. Damn I've missed my favourite fitness club but now I'm back!! It still feels a bit weird to have zero responsibilities but I am totally enjoying it! My plan is just to spend loads of time with family and friends, visit some festivals and explore some new and old places in Estonia. 2 days ago I went to the beach with my sister and also did SUP. So much fun! But now it's time to get ready for Õllesummer festival and for John Newman!
Estonian summer is the best!!! It doesn't matter where I've travelled, nothing beats the summer here! Even tho the weather is quite bad and everybody are only talking about it, I see only positive vibes. I feel like people are alive and the vibe is just amazing! I have so much energy and I am so happy to spend these weeks here with my friends and family! I guess I got my energyboost today from training. Damn I've missed my favourite fitness club but now I'm back!! It still feels a bit weird to have zero responsibilities but I am totally enjoying it! My plan is just to spend loads of time with family and friends, visit some festivals and explore some new and old places in Estonia. 2 days ago I went to the beach with my sister and also did SUP. So much fun! But now it's time to get ready for Õllesummer festival and for John Newman!
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