Ma ausalt arvasin, et mul pole kolimise vastu midagi, kuniks ma hakkasin eile oma kola kokku panema... Kuidas on võimalik, et selle väikse ajaga on NII palju asju kogunenud? Kõige hullem on see, et paari kuu pärast pean ma selle kõik oma kahte kohvrisse mahutama! Õnneks praegu ma veel ei pea sellele mõtlema, thank god! Topin lihtsalt kõik asjad kottidesse haha! Mu terve tänane päev mööduski pakkides, koristades vana kodu, viies asju uude kodu, koristades uut kodu, kujundades uut kodu nii hubaseks kui võimalik ning siis tagasi vanas kodus pakkides. Vahepeal läksin ka jõe äärde lõunat sööma, et nautida päikselist ilma ja neid plusskraade (18kraadi!!!!). Nüüd vaatan kodus ringi, et ikka on nii palju teha... Ma lihtsalt ootan kuni peiks koju tuleb ja äkki ta tahab tegeleda sellega :D
Kui ma oma riideid pakkisin siis terve aeg oli mul "ahhh, miks ma seda kandnud pole!!" ja "appi kui lahe see on ju!!" jne jne. Iga kord kui ma pakin või koristan kappi, pool aega läheb sellele, et ma proovin kõiki riideid selga ja imetlen end peegli ees. Palun öelge et ma pole ainuke!! :D Igatahes, see riiete pakkimine oli positiivne asi, sest sain palju ideid lahedateks outfittideks. PS! Loodan, et olete ka märganud blogi uut nime, milleks pole enam lohisev pikk blogspot vaid !!! Ma nii uhke enda üle ja samal ajal löön käega vastu pead, et miks ma niiii kaua sellega venitasin. Varsti tuleb ka disainis muudatusi! Pildid pärinevad Marrakechi muuseumist, mis oli omapärane lokatsioon aga kuna meil oli kiire siis klõpsud tulid kiirelt ja pooled ka uduselt hehe.
I really thought that I don't mind moving and packing but after dealing with it since last evening, Im more than happy to take my words back! The whole day I've been packing, cleaning old home, cleaning new home, taking stuff there and then back at old home-packing. And when I am looking around here, there's still so much to do... I'm just gonna wait for my boyfriend to come home and hope he'll deal with that :P Fingers crossed! Between cleaning and packing, I also managed to take some time for myself and eat lunch by the river. The whole morning I only could think about that, so I just did a break and went outside to enjoy some sun and +18 degrees!!
PS! Few days ago I also bought my first domain ever and now my blogname is Goodbye old long blogspot!
We took those pictures in Marrakech museum what was really cool location. Too bad that we were in a hurry and took only few pictures. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!
I really thought that I don't mind moving and packing but after dealing with it since last evening, Im more than happy to take my words back! The whole day I've been packing, cleaning old home, cleaning new home, taking stuff there and then back at old home-packing. And when I am looking around here, there's still so much to do... I'm just gonna wait for my boyfriend to come home and hope he'll deal with that :P Fingers crossed! Between cleaning and packing, I also managed to take some time for myself and eat lunch by the river. The whole morning I only could think about that, so I just did a break and went outside to enjoy some sun and +18 degrees!!
PS! Few days ago I also bought my first domain ever and now my blogname is Goodbye old long blogspot!
We took those pictures in Marrakech museum what was really cool location. Too bad that we were in a hurry and took only few pictures. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!
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