Häid munadepühi kõigepealt! Ma olen oi kui palju šokolaadimune söönud ja uuest nädalast peab tagasi minema vana hea trennirežiimi peale, kus vähemalt 4 korda nädalas võib mind leida jõusaalist. Enne Marokot tegin ka oma uue rekordi- 55 kiloga kükke. Jaaaa nii see beachbum tuleb! Peaksin trennist vist lausa eraldi postituse tegema, sest tänu oma peiksile olen päris palju arenenud ja just jõusaali kohapealt. Ma aitan teda venitusharjutustega niiet teamwork on paigas! :P Eile käisime ka "Batman vs Superman" vaatamas, kuna üks siin on megafänn ja no täitsa okei film oli. Aga mulle lihtsalt ei meeldi maksta kinopiletite eest hingehinda siin...  :D  
Tekitan siia nüüd natuke suvetunnet ja jagan pilte Marokost!  Kui Iirimaal käisime, siis see silme eest kirjuks võttev seelik rändas sealt minuga kaasa ja õnneks varsti saab ka Londoni tänavatel seda kanda. Pöööörfekt combo superstaaridega! See seelik toob ka kõik kumerused välja, niiet neid kükke on vaja korralikult teha!  Marokos aga sai see sobitatud uute kontsakatega, mis on ideaalse kõrgusega. Ma lihtsalt ei jaksa kõrgete kontsadega käia, seega see kõrgus sobib suurepäraselt. Vanadus? :D Minu jaoks on vist alati olnud esikohal mugavus, seega viimasel ajal leiab mind ketsides ringi patseerimas. Londonis on õnneks hea ketsivalik, aga kuna mu rahakott on praegu säästurežiimi peal uute seikluste jaoks siis pean oma vanad ketsid läikima lööma haha! 
Happy Easter my bunnies! Hope you all are done with those chocolate eggs for now! Well, I am and I feel so chubby so I can't wait to hit the gym! From next week I will start working out again 4 times in a week. Before Morocco I had really good workout vibe and I also did my new record- squats with 55 kilos! Yaaas! Beachbum, here I come! My strength is getting better and I have improved so much in gym and thats thanks to my boyfriend. Trust me, I have been the worst student ever. :D I remember when he first taught me squats and I was almost crying because 20 kilos felt so hard! Now Im doing warm-up with that :P I should do a whole post about training because I'm much smarter now :P  Probably when my boyfriend reads that he would be like "noooo..." haha!! 
Yesterday we also went to the movies to see "Batman vs Superman" because one guy is here a big fan. I wasn't allowed to comment this movie or ruin it any other way haha :D I'm not a fan of that kind of movies but it was pretty decent. I just don't like to pay so much for movie tickets here, thats seriously robbing! 
Now it's time to share some summery pictures from Morocco! I bought this skirt from Ireland and was looking forward to wear that with Superstar shoes here in London, but weather had another plans. So finally I had my opportunity in Marrakech and I matched it with new shoes what have perfect height! I can't wear high heels always because my feet get so tired and then I can't enjoy my time wherever I am. Am I getting old? :D So I prefer some sneakers or flat shoes but don't get me wrong, I love high heels and how they give this feminine touch but I could never wear them every day. So everybody who are doing it, respect! 
Skirt- Forever21 // Shoes- New Look // Hat- // Top- H&M

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