Tänase vihmase ilma puhul näitan hoopis ühte eelmise nädala suvist outfiti! Loodan, et see toob suvetunnet Teie südamesse! Tahtsin omale ka lahedat peaehet ning mu kaelakee sobis selleks ideaalselt haha. Tuleb olla loominguline! Ilusat reedet kõigile!
 Today is such a rainy day so I decided to show you one sunny outfit from last week, when I was in Spain. Hope you have now more summerfeeling in your hearts! I sure do! I also wear my necklace here as a headband. Fits perfectly or what haha?!Sometimes you just have to be creative.  Have a nice weekend. :)
Skirt- handmade // Shoes-Mohito // Bag-Primark // Blouse, shades- Monton

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