Selle suve kuumim trend on off-the-shoulder topid/kleidid ning ega muud poodideski ei näe. Millegipärast see trend mind nii palju ei ole veel tõmmanud, kuna mulle ei meeldi see ebamugavustunne, et miski on nagu alla kukkumas õlgadelt. :D Aga samas ma armastan seda boholikku vibe, mida see edasi kannab.
Viimane nädal on üks on-off minu jaoks olnud ja omamoodi keeruline. Alustades sellest, et eelmine nädal ärkasin vaid ühe silmaga ja kuna oli bank holiday siis kõik perearstid olid suletud ning valikuks jäi haigla. Muidugi kõigepealt nad ei tahtnud mind seal aidata, sest ega neil ju silmaarsti pole ja olid lihtsalt sarkastilised ja nähvajad. Kuna ka meie assistant manager jalutas töölt lihtsalt minema, siis oleme management tiimis vähemuses ja pidin isegi esmaspäeval oma ühe silmaga tööle minema. Pidin ka kolimisega tegelema teisipäeval, kui enesetunne oli, et tahaks lihtsalt voodis teki all olla. Kõige raskem vist on olnud peikast eemalolek, kuid ma proovin alati positiivne olla ja lõpuks alustasin uuesti korraliku trenniga! Vot see teeb küll õnnelikuks! Teine positiivne asi- mul on töölemineku aeg vaid 15 minutit! :P Kõik on nii mõnusalt läheduses ja kohe täiesti teine tunne siin elada. Mu kahest töökaaslasest on ka mu parimad sõbrad saanud ja neid jään ma päris kindlasti igatsema,
Eelmine nädal lugesin ka töökaaslaselt saadud raamatut "Me before you" ning kui ta selle raamatu mulle paar nädalat tagasi andis, siis ma ei viinud üldse kokku, et see on ju see film! Kahe päevaga oli raamat läbi ja hommikul kell 5 pühkisin pisaraid, ikka päris suuri pisaraid. Peale seda tuli ka peika igatsus ja need piletid Norra sai ostetud. Vahel tuleb lihtsalt südant kuulata ja lasta emotsioonidel üle võtta. Homme lendangi kiirelt kaheks päevaks Norra ning ülejäänud kuu olen lihtsalt vee peal. :D
Kui nädala algus oli raske, siis lõpp seevastu naeru täis. Laupäeval viisin oma igasugust kola Helenile, sest Eestisse potte-panne ikka ei vea. Kokkasime sushit ning viisime end festivalide meeleollu. Eile käisin ja vaatasin ikkagist üle töökaaslasega "Me before you" filmi, mida algselt kartsin teha, sest äkki rikub raamatu ära aga eii, superhea! Soovitan kõigile! Nüüd võiks kiirelt pakkimisega tegeleda ja uus postitus juba Norrast. :P
Off-shoulder tops/dresses are this summer must have and you can't miss it, because you see them everywhere! Seriously, in every single shop. So far, I'm not obsessed of them, yet, but I got this top from Superdry and I have to admit, I love this boho vibe.
Talking about my last week, then it's been on-and-off. Last Monday I woke up with one eye, because I got an infection and my luck didn't end there, it was a bank holiday which means all the GP's were closed and my only option was the hospital. Of course they didn't want to even help me there. I had to beg them, to get to see the doctor. Health system in London is horrible. After three hours of waiting I got my antibiotics and had to go to work, because our assistant manager quit the job and literally walked out and didn't come back. This work causes so much stress that it's just ridiculous. On Tuesday I had to deal with packing and moving and now I'm settled down at my new place and I love the cats here! :P I'm always trying to be positive but all those things together caused so much stress and being away from my boyfriend didn't make it easier.
But last week I started again with workout and I feel so good! It's awesome to be back on track! And another positive thing is that I live only 15 min from work and everything is so close. Totally different vibe to live here now. When the beginning of the week was a bit struggle then weekend was full of laughter! On saturday I visited my Estonian friend and we did sushi and had some girltalks. We are so stupid that we didn't met more often! :D Last week I read the book "Me before you" and I loved it! I was crying at 5 am when I finished the book and missed my boyfriend so much that I bought the tickets to Norway! Going already tomorrow!!! It's only for two days and the tickets were expensive but sometimes you just gotta listen your heart and choose the happiness! Yesterday I watched "Me before you" movie with my friend and I was a bit scared that it will ruin the book, but damn it, they did it so well! We both loved the book and the movie. Okay, now it's time to pack and new post is already coming from Norway! :P
Eelmine nädal lugesin ka töökaaslaselt saadud raamatut "Me before you" ning kui ta selle raamatu mulle paar nädalat tagasi andis, siis ma ei viinud üldse kokku, et see on ju see film! Kahe päevaga oli raamat läbi ja hommikul kell 5 pühkisin pisaraid, ikka päris suuri pisaraid. Peale seda tuli ka peika igatsus ja need piletid Norra sai ostetud. Vahel tuleb lihtsalt südant kuulata ja lasta emotsioonidel üle võtta. Homme lendangi kiirelt kaheks päevaks Norra ning ülejäänud kuu olen lihtsalt vee peal. :D
Kui nädala algus oli raske, siis lõpp seevastu naeru täis. Laupäeval viisin oma igasugust kola Helenile, sest Eestisse potte-panne ikka ei vea. Kokkasime sushit ning viisime end festivalide meeleollu. Eile käisin ja vaatasin ikkagist üle töökaaslasega "Me before you" filmi, mida algselt kartsin teha, sest äkki rikub raamatu ära aga eii, superhea! Soovitan kõigile! Nüüd võiks kiirelt pakkimisega tegeleda ja uus postitus juba Norrast. :P
Off-shoulder tops/dresses are this summer must have and you can't miss it, because you see them everywhere! Seriously, in every single shop. So far, I'm not obsessed of them, yet, but I got this top from Superdry and I have to admit, I love this boho vibe.
Talking about my last week, then it's been on-and-off. Last Monday I woke up with one eye, because I got an infection and my luck didn't end there, it was a bank holiday which means all the GP's were closed and my only option was the hospital. Of course they didn't want to even help me there. I had to beg them, to get to see the doctor. Health system in London is horrible. After three hours of waiting I got my antibiotics and had to go to work, because our assistant manager quit the job and literally walked out and didn't come back. This work causes so much stress that it's just ridiculous. On Tuesday I had to deal with packing and moving and now I'm settled down at my new place and I love the cats here! :P I'm always trying to be positive but all those things together caused so much stress and being away from my boyfriend didn't make it easier.
But last week I started again with workout and I feel so good! It's awesome to be back on track! And another positive thing is that I live only 15 min from work and everything is so close. Totally different vibe to live here now. When the beginning of the week was a bit struggle then weekend was full of laughter! On saturday I visited my Estonian friend and we did sushi and had some girltalks. We are so stupid that we didn't met more often! :D Last week I read the book "Me before you" and I loved it! I was crying at 5 am when I finished the book and missed my boyfriend so much that I bought the tickets to Norway! Going already tomorrow!!! It's only for two days and the tickets were expensive but sometimes you just gotta listen your heart and choose the happiness! Yesterday I watched "Me before you" movie with my friend and I was a bit scared that it will ruin the book, but damn it, they did it so well! We both loved the book and the movie. Okay, now it's time to pack and new post is already coming from Norway! :P
Top, jeans-Superdry // Necklace-Forever21 // Bag- secondhand
Kummaline mõelda, et siitpoolt tundub see Londonis elamine täielik idüll ja unistus, aga tegelikult sinule on see igapäevaelu koos oma murede ja rõõmudega.
VastaKustutaPS! Lähen ka homme seda filmi vaatama, olen juba igaltpoolt kuulnud, et täielik nutukas on, nii et varun siis salfakaid kaasa :D
Ja mida sa oma juustega teed, et need kogu aeg nii ilusad on? Nagu päriselt!!
KustutaKusjuures nii ongi, siin tekib samamoodi igapäevaelu aga tsipa huvitavam, sest pidevalt leiad end uuest olukorrast ja mis samas tekitab ka tsipa stressi. Aga omad head ja vead! Ning juustest nii palju, et kasutan oma vana head sirgendajat lokkide tegemiseks kuigi see sirgendaja annab varsti otsad :D Ja kasutan Tresemme kookose tooteid mis on suppperhead! Loodan et eestis ka see saadaval :P