Hallllooooo suvi kas sina!!! Jah meile jõudis juba paar päeva tagasi siia korralik kuumalaine, mis niitis täna ikka korralikult jalust juba. Natuke ikka harjumatu, kui äkitselt 26 kraadi väljas ja saab lühikeste pükstega käia ja isegi siis higistad korralikult. Aga ma ei kurda! Mu tänane plaan oligi oma vaba päeva nautida aias peesitades, aga millegipärast need tunnid, kui mina otsustasin oma valgetele jalgadele natuke värvi saada, olid pilvekesed kohal. Algselt pidin oma päeva ilma peikata veetma, aga suutsin teda veenda, et ta hommikul selle köh-köh kõne teeks tööle... :D Vahel ju võib hhkmm. Kuna ta jätab mu siia Londoni üksinda juba kahe nädala pärast, siis haarame igasugusest võimalusest kinni, et natuke aega veel koos veeta. Seega saigi päeva nauditud, jäätist õgitud ja laiseldud ning õhtul otsustasime ka trenni minna, et natuke end liigutada. See oli vist päeva halvim mõte, sest mõlemad olime energiast tühjad ja peale igat jõutõmmet oli tunne, et nüüd läheb küll pilt tasku. Ei tahaks neid esihambaid jälle kaotada haha!
Ma polegi siin väga maininud, et kuu aega oleme ka uues kohas elanud ja kuu siin veel jäänud. Elame ilusas naabruskonnas ning mulle nii meeldib, et meil on siin aia kasutusvõimalus. See vist ongi ainuke asi, mis mulle meeldib haha! Selles majas elab palju inimesi ning kõige rohkem mind vist häirib see pidev aasia take-away lõhn, mis tuleb köögist. Meie landlord on korealane ja enamus teised elanikud siin samuti ja nad kokkavad meeletult ja tundideviisi. Selle kuu aja jooksul olen vaid siin korra süüa teinud ning see oli ka kana riisiga ning üks teine naine küsis köögis olles minult, et kas see ongi Sinu toit? Ma nagu ei teadnudki mida vastata. :D Tegelikult ma väga igatsen kodus kokkamist, aga ma lihtsalt ei kannata seal väikses köögis olemist ja tunnen end kuidagi väga ebamugavalt. See on natuke halvasti mu kehale ja tervisele mõjunud, sest mu toitumine on alla käinud. Pidevalt sööme väljas või siis õhtuti ei söö korralikult ja näksid midagi. Trenni pole ka korralikult teinud, sest eelmine jõusaal on nüüd uuest kodust liiga kaugel ja vahepealsed reisimised Eestisse ja Norra on igasuguse rutiini paigast viinud. Peab tagasi trennilainele saama! Nüüd on aga aeg filmiõhtuks ja seekord jääb šokolaad ja popkord ära haha! PS! Kui veel ei märganud, siis blogil on ka uus kujundus! ;) Mässasin sellega ikka korralikult ja lõpuks hakkab valmis saama!
Well hello summer!!! This heatwave came out of nowhere but I'm not complaining at all! I prefer wearing shorts and t-shirts anytime over coats and umbrella! My plan for today was to enjoy this amazing weather and tan a little, but when it was time to get some color for my pale legs, the clouds showed up. Arrgghh. It was still nice to read a book and just chill. After lazying around the whole day, we decided to train. Worst decision ever haha! We both were so tired and out of energy, I guess we were'nt used to this heat and we both were afraid of passing out. Don't wanna loose my frontteeth again haha!
I haven't written so much about our new home where we have lived one month and one to go. Our neighbourhood is really nice and I love that we have a garden here. And I guess that's the only thing haha! One of the least favourite thing here is the constant take-away smell in the kitchen. Our landlord is korean and most of the others tenants too and they cook here a lot. I'm just not used to that kind of food and stuff and thatswhy I don't cook here. One time I did rice with chicken and they asked that "this is your food?". I even did'nt know what to answer... :D I really miss cooking at home, but I don't like our small and packed kitchen here so thatswhy my eating routine has gone down. We always eat out or have some snacks in the evening and it's so unhealthy. I'm really gonna try to change that and also get back my training routine. My old gym is way too far from this new home and I still haven't got any new gym membership so yeah.. I miss my training routine. Trips to Estonia and Norway also influenced that. Well, now it's time for movienight and this time there won't be any sweets haha!
Well hello summer!!! This heatwave came out of nowhere but I'm not complaining at all! I prefer wearing shorts and t-shirts anytime over coats and umbrella! My plan for today was to enjoy this amazing weather and tan a little, but when it was time to get some color for my pale legs, the clouds showed up. Arrgghh. It was still nice to read a book and just chill. After lazying around the whole day, we decided to train. Worst decision ever haha! We both were so tired and out of energy, I guess we were'nt used to this heat and we both were afraid of passing out. Don't wanna loose my frontteeth again haha!
I haven't written so much about our new home where we have lived one month and one to go. Our neighbourhood is really nice and I love that we have a garden here. And I guess that's the only thing haha! One of the least favourite thing here is the constant take-away smell in the kitchen. Our landlord is korean and most of the others tenants too and they cook here a lot. I'm just not used to that kind of food and stuff and thatswhy I don't cook here. One time I did rice with chicken and they asked that "this is your food?". I even did'nt know what to answer... :D I really miss cooking at home, but I don't like our small and packed kitchen here so thatswhy my eating routine has gone down. We always eat out or have some snacks in the evening and it's so unhealthy. I'm really gonna try to change that and also get back my training routine. My old gym is way too far from this new home and I still haven't got any new gym membership so yeah.. I miss my training routine. Trips to Estonia and Norway also influenced that. Well, now it's time for movienight and this time there won't be any sweets haha!
Shorts- Levi's // Cardigan- Superdry // Backpack-Zara
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