Tights- Belissima // Skirt- made by myself // Blouse- Promod // Bag-Vintage // Shoes- from Vietnam
Sellise kevadise outfitiga veel tänavatel ringi joosta ei saa, aga no ma lihtsalt ei suutnud enam oma ilusaid jalavarjusid kapis luku taga hoida. Peaaegu sama nagu gripilaine ei suutnud minust eemale hoida. Nii ma siis istun kodus, tatistades teki all. Vaikselt naasen ka blogilainele ning siia toongi ühe outfiti, mille põhiline rõhk läheb nendele valgetele sukkadele. Kui sukamaailm.ee minuga koostöö osas ühendust võttis, vastasin ma jaatavalt. Saades mustrilised ja värvilised Belissima sukad postkasti, siis mu esimene reaktsioon oli- appi ma küll neid kanda ei oska! Seda seetõttu, et olen mustadele sukkadele ustav olnud alates ajast kui mu ema mind enam ei riietanud. Niiet see oli omamoodi tore nostalgia hetk lapsepõlvest ning katsumus panna need valged sukad enda kasuks tööle. No vot, vahel tuleb mugavustsoonist välja astuda ja midagi uut proovida. Mis kõige toredam, neil on hetkel kampaania käimas, millest soovitan kõigil osa võtta! Peaauhinnaks reis Itaaliasse!! Mammma mia, sellest kampaaniast peab osa võtma, sest kevad on peaaegu käes ning see tähendab, et seelikud ja kleidid tuleb tolmust puhtaks pühkida! Kuna nii soe veel pole, et paljaid sääri välgutada, siis peab sukad alla valima! Tšekake nende tootevalikut SIIN või külastage Prismat, Selverit, Rimi jne. Ja astuge mugavustsoonist välja ning valige kevadeks midagi huvitavat!
Let's be honest. I can't wear that kind of outfits - yet, but I just could'nt hide my new favourite summer shoes anymore! And I also wanted to match them with those white tights. Some time ago sukamaailm.ee contacted with me and wanted to do collaboration and I said yes. When I received colorful tights my first thought was- whaaaaat!? I don't know how to wear them! Cause I've been loyal to black tights since the time when my mom did'nt dress me anymore. So yeah, it was a little bit challenging for me but in the end, I really loved the result and I was thinking why on earth I have'nt tried something new before. So, sometimes you have to step out from your comfort-zone. Lesson learned!
PS! They also have the campaign right now and the main award is the trip to Italy! Mamma mia! Check it out HERE
Let's be honest. I can't wear that kind of outfits - yet, but I just could'nt hide my new favourite summer shoes anymore! And I also wanted to match them with those white tights. Some time ago sukamaailm.ee contacted with me and wanted to do collaboration and I said yes. When I received colorful tights my first thought was- whaaaaat!? I don't know how to wear them! Cause I've been loyal to black tights since the time when my mom did'nt dress me anymore. So yeah, it was a little bit challenging for me but in the end, I really loved the result and I was thinking why on earth I have'nt tried something new before. So, sometimes you have to step out from your comfort-zone. Lesson learned!
PS! They also have the campaign right now and the main award is the trip to Italy! Mamma mia! Check it out HERE
Väga mõnus outfit ja eriti kihvt seelik! :)
VastaKustutaIlusad pildid on tõesti ;)
VastaKustutaAitäh! :)
KustutaI really like this shirt! I think that it should be great for an everyday usage. Is it really warm or is it just looks that way.
VastaKustutaThis girl looks stunningly in her outfit! I like that incredibly beautiful yellow sweatshirt and unusual skirt.
VastaKustutaYou look really great and that is so nice to show some legs. Your legs are really nice.