"Moonshine- selle suve lugu" music video shooting- BEHIND THE SCENES

Neljapäeval kogunesime Salmistu rannal, kus tegime Moonshine laulule ühe eriti laheda video. Nagu Eesti ilmale kohane, siis terve aeg sadas vihma ning päiksest oli asi kaugel, aga kui selline superlahe seltskond on koos, siis keda see ilm huvitab! No niii palju nalja sai lihtsalt!
Võtte lõpetasime kell 2 öösel ning kuna külm oli sees, broneerisime omale sauna Valkla puhkekeskuses ning lõpetasime seal hommikul 3-4 ajal. Viimased päevad on minu jaoks üldse olnud üliväsitavad, sest olen ööd läbi õmmelnud ning maganud 3-4 tundi. Võttele minnes oli mul suur pingelangus, sest kolm viimast lõpukleiti valmisid ning see magamatus enam ei häirinudki. :D Ma juba nii väga tahaks näha tulemust, kindlasti jagan seda ka siin!  Seniks aga kuulake laulu SIIT ja nautige behind the scenes pilte!
My two honey-booboos's!
Summer idyll!
On thursday we gathered in Salmistu beach where we shooted one really cool music video for Moonshine. Oh and the weather was typical Estonian one- only raining and so cold, so yes, it ruined our vision to shoot summer music video :D But we still had so much fun and nobody cared about the weather! We finished shooting at 2 AM and we were so frozen so we decided to go to sauna and we got back home 4 AM. And next day I had to go to work, so yes, it was quite stressful :D Last week was really hard for me, because I slept every night 3-4 hours because I had so much sewingwork and I also had my daily work. A lot of stress, but I'm so proud of myself, because all the dresses came out beautiful!
I'm looking forward to share the music video result with you guys but until that, you can listen this awesome summersong from HERE and enjoy behind the scenes photos! 
PS! Brace yourselves, graduation pictures are coming!

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